
  • Congratulations to Zhengyu! His paper "LavaStore: ByteDance’s Purpose-built, High-performance, Cost-effective Local Storage Engine for Cloud Services" has been been accepted to the 50th International Conference on Very Large Databases (VLDB 2024)

  • Congratulations to Janki and Zhengyu! Their paper "Automatic Stream Identification to Improve Flash Endurance in Data Centers" has been been accepted to the ACM Transactions on Storage.

  • Congratulations to Zhengyu! His paper "Understanding Flash-Based Storage I/O Behavior of Games" has been been accepted to the IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD 21).

  • Congratulations to Danlin! He successfully the Ph.D. dissertation and got the offer from Samsung Semi Inc. as a senior software engineer. 

  • Congratulations to Mahsa! She got the offer from Samsung Semi Inc. as an Senior Big data Engineer.

  • Congratulations to Mahsa! Her paper "Exploiting GPU Direct Access to Non-Volatile Memory to Accelerate Big Data Processing" has been been accepted to the IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference, and was granted the Best Paper Award!

  • Congratulations to Mahsa! Her paper "Deploying Network Key-Value SSDs to Disaggregate Resources in Big Data Processing Frameworks" has been been accepted to the IEEE International Performance Computing and Communications Conference.

  • Congratulations to Danlin! Her paper "Performance and Consistency Analysis for Distributed Deep Learning Applications" has been been accepted to the IEEE International Performance Computing and Communications Conference.

  • Congratulations to Danlin and Mahsa! Their paper "RITA: Efficient Memory Allocation Scheme for Containerized Parallel Systems to Improve Data Processing Latency" has been been accepted to the IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing.

  • Congratulations to Janki! She has been selected as a College of Engineering Outstanding Graduate Research Award recipient.

  • Congratulations to Yi and Han! Their paper "New Scheduling Algorithms for Improving Performance and Resource Utilization in Hadoop YARN Clusters" has been been accepted to the IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing.

  • Congratulations to Janki and Zhengyu! Their paper "New Performance Modeling Methods for Parallel Data Processing Applications" has been been accepted to the ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation.

  • Congratulations to Zhengyu and Janki! Their paper "I/O Workload Management for All-Flash Datacenter Storage Systems Based on Total Cost of Ownership" has been been accepted to the IEEE Transactions on Big Data.

  • Congratulations to Zhengyu, Han and Yi! Their paper "New YARN Non-Exclusive Resource Management Scheme Through Opportunistic Idle Resource Assignment" has been been accepted to the IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing.

  • Congratulations to Zhengyu! His paper "Intermediate Data Caching Optimization for Multi-Stage and Parallel Big Data Frameworks" has been been accepted to the 2018 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing.

  • Congratulations to Janki! Their paper "BloomStream: Data Temperature Identification for Flash Based Memory Storage Using Bloom Filters" has been been accepted to the 2018 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing.

  • Congratulations to Janki and Zhengyu! Their paper "FIOS: Feature Based I/O Stream Identification for Improving Endurance of Multi-Stream SSDs" has been been accepted to the 2018 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing, and was granted the Best Paper Award!

  • Congratulations to Zhengyu and Janki! Their paper "AutoAdmin: Admission Control in YARN Clusters Based on Dynamic Resource Reservation" has been accepted to the Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience, Special Issue on Advances in Emerging Wireless Communications and Networking.

  • Congratulations to Zhengyu and Janki! Their paper "EAD: Elasticity Aware Deduplication Manager for Datacenters with Multi-tier Storage Systems" has been accepted to the Cluster Computing.

  • Congratulations to Janki and Zhengyu! Their paper "Docker Container Scheduler for I/O Intensive Applications running on NVMe SSDs" has been accepted to the IEEE Transactions on Multi-Scale Computing Systems.

  • Congratulations to Zhengyu and Janki! Their paper "Automatic and Scalable Data Replication Manager in Distributed Computation and Storage Infrastructure of Cyber-Physical Systems" has been accepted to the Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience, Special Issue on Communication, Computing, and Networking in Cyber-Physical Systems.

  • Congratulations to Zhengyu and Janki! Their paper "Cyber-Physical System Enabled Nearby Traffic Flow Modelling for Autonomous Vehicles" has been accepted to the 36th IEEE International Performance Computing and Communications Conference, Special Session on Cyber Physical Systems: Security, Computing, and Performance (IPCCC-CPS 2017), 2017.

  • Congratulations to Zhengyu and Janki! Their paper "AutoTiering: Automatic Data Placement Manager in Multi-Tier All-Flash Datacenter" has been accepted to the 36th IEEE International Performance Computing and Communications Conference (IPCCC 2017).

  • Congratulations to Zhengyu and Janki! Their paper "H-NVMe: A Hybrid Framework of NVMe-based Storage System in Cloud Computing Environment" has been accepted to the 36th IEEE International Performance Computing and Communications Conference (IPCCC 2017), and was granted the Best Paper Award!

  • Congratulations to Janki and Zhengyu! Their paper "Accelerating Big Data Applications Using Lightweight Virtualization Framework on Enterprise Cloud" has been accepted to the 21st IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference (HPEC 2017).

  • Congratulations to Janki and Zhengyu! Their paper "FiM: Performance Prediction Model for Parallel Computation in Iterative Data Processing Applications" has been accepted to the 10th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD 2017).

  • Congratulations to Zhengyu, Janki and Han! Their paper "AutoPath: Harnessing Parallel Execution Paths for Efficient Resource Allocation in Multi-Stage Big Data Frameworks" has been accepted to the 26th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN 2017, Acceptance Rate: 25%).

  • Congratulations to Zhengyu! His paper "EA2S2: An Efficient Application-Aware Storage System for Big Data Processing in Heterogeneous Clusters" has been accepted to the 26th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN 2017, Acceptance Rate: 25%).

  • Congratulations to Zhengyu! His paper "eSplash: Efficient Speculation in Large Scale Heterogeneous Computing Systems" has been accepted to the 35th IEEE International Performance Computing and Communications Conference (IPCCC 2016, Acceptance Rate: 25.50%).

  • Congratulations to Janki and Zhengyu! Their paper "Understanding Performance of I/O Intensive Containerized Applications for NVMe SSDs" has been accepted to the 35th IEEE International Performance Computing and Communications Conference (IPCCC 2016, Acceptance Rate: 25.50%).

  • Congratulations to Zhengyu and Janki! Their paper "GREM: Dynamic SSD Resource Allocation in Virtualized Storage Systems with Heterogeneous VMs" has been accepted to the 35th IEEE International Performance Computing and Communications Conference (IPCCC 2016, Acceptance Rate: 25.50%).

  • Congratulations to Zhengyu! His paper "AutoReplica: Automatic Data Replica Manager in Distributed Caching and Data Processing Systems" has been accepted to the first International workshop on Communication, Computing, and Networking in Cyber Physical Systems (CCN-CPS 2016).

  • Congratulations to Zhengyu! His paper "SEINA: A Stealthy and Effective Internal Attack in Hadoop Systems" has been accepted to the ICNC 2017.

  • Congratulations to Zhengyu! His paper "A Fresh Perspective on Total Cost of Ownership Models for Flash Storage in Datacenters" has been accepted to the IEEE CloudCom, 2016.

  • Congratulations to Janki! Her paper "Accelerating K-Means clustering with parallel implementations and GPU computing" has been accepted to the High Performance Extreme Computing Conference (HPEC), 2015 IEEE.

  • Congratulations to Jianzhe and Zhengyu! Their paper "Improving Flash Resource Utilization at Minimal Management Cost in Virtualized Flash-based Storage Systems" has been accepted to the IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, 2015.

  • Dr. Mi received 2015 NSF Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award!

  • Congratulations to Yi! His paper "Self-Adjusting Slot Configurations for Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Hadoop Clusters" has been accepted by IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing (TCC), 2015.

  • Congratulations to Yi and Jason! Their paper "Admission Control in YARN Clusters Based on Dynamic Resource Reservation" has been accepted to the IFIP/IEEE Integrated Network Management Symposium (IM'15).

  • Congratulations to Zhengyu! His paper "Improving Virtual Machine Migration via Deduplication" has been accepted by IEEE National Workshop for REU Research in Networking and Systems (REUNS), 2014.

  • Congratulations to Janki! Her abstract "Predicting the Performance of Machine Learning Algorithms running on Heterogeneous Computing Platforms" has been accepted by WiML 2014 as an poster presentation.

  • Congratulations to Yi! His paper "LsPS: A Job Size-Based Scheduler for Efficient Assignments in Hadoop" has been accepted by IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing (TCC), 2014. 

  • Congratulations to Jianzhe on his successful Ph.D. thesis defense in July, 2014.

  • Congratulations to Jianzhe! His paper "Load balancing for cluster systems under heavy-tailed and temporal dependent workloads" has been accepted to Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory (SIMPAT), 2014.

  • Congratulations to Yi, Jiaying and Jason! Our paper "HASTE: Hadoop YARN Scheduling Based on Task-Dependency and Resource-Demand" has been accepted by IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing (Cloud'14). 

  • Congratulations to Jiaying and Yi! Our paper "FRESH: Fair and Efficient Slot Configuration and Scheduling for Hadoop Clusters" has been accepted by IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing (Cloud'14). 

  • Dr. Mi received The Air Force's Young Investigator Research (YIP) Award 2014.

  • Congratulations to Jianzhe! His paper "vFRM: Flash Resource Manager in VMware ESX Server" has been accepted by the IFIP/IEEE Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS'14). 

  • Congratulations to Jianzhe Tai! His paper "Live Data Migration For Reducing SLA Violations In Multi-tiered Storage Systems" has been accepted by IEEE International Workshops on Cloud Analytics (IWCA'14). 

  • Congratulations to Yi and Jiayin! Our paper "Using a Tunable Knob for Reducing Makespan of MapReduce Jobs in a Hadoop Cluster" has been accepted by the IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing (Cloud'13). 

  • Congratulations to Yi! His paper "Scheduling Heterogeneous MapReduce Jobs for Efficiency Improvement in Enterprise Clusters" has been accepted by the IFIP/IEEE Integrated Network Management Symposium (IM'13). 

  • Congratulations to Zhen, Jianzhe and Jiahui! Our paper "ADUS:Adaptive Resource Allocation in Cluster Systems under Heavy-Tailed and Bursty Workloads" has been accepted by the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC'12).

  • Congratulations to Jianzhe and Juemin! Our paper "ArA: Adaptive Resource Allocation for Cloud Computing Environments under Bursty Workloads" has been accepted by the IEEE International Performance Computing and Communications Conference (IPCCC'11). 

  • Congratulations to Yi! His paper "DAT: An AP Scheduler using Dynamically Adjusted Time Windows for Crowded WLANs" has been accepted by the IEEE International Performance Computing and Communications Conference (IPCCC'11). 

  • Congratulations to Juemin and Jianzhe! Our paper "Decentralized Scheduling of Bursty Workload on Computing Grids" has been accepted by the Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC'11).

  • Dr. Mi received 2010 The IBM Faculty Award! 

  • Our lab received 2010 The AWS (Amazon Web Services) in Education Research Grant! 

  • Congratulations to Zhengyu! His paper "Understanding Flash-Based Storage I/O Behavior of Games" has been been accepted to the IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing.