Welcome To NUCSRL!
The Northeastern University Computer Systems Research Laboratory (NUCSRL) is a lab of the Departments of Electrical and Computer Engineering, College of Engineering, located on the Northeastern University Campus in the Dana Research Center Building. Students working in NUCSRL are from the Electrical Engineering or the Computer Engineering majors. This lab is under the direction of Professor Ningfang Mi. NUCSRL's areas of research: Capacity Planning, Resource Management, Performance Evaluation, System Modeling and Simulation, Data Center, Cloud Computing, MapReduce / Hadoop Scheduling.
- Congratulations to Danlin! He successfully the Ph.D dissertation and got an offer from Samsung Semi Inc. as a senior software engineer.
- Congratulations to Janki! She has been selected as a College of Engineering Outstanding Graduate Research Award recipient.
- Congratulations to Yi and Han! Their paper "New Scheduling Algorithms for Improving Performance and Resource Utilization in Hadoop YARN Clusters" has been been accepted to the IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing.
- Congratulations to Janki and Zhengyu! Their paper "New Performance Modeling Methods for Parallel Data Processing Applications" has been been accepted to the ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation.
- Congratulations to Zhengyu and Janki! Their paper "I/O Workload Management for All-Flash Datacenter Storage Systems Based on Total Cost of Ownership" has been been accepted to the IEEE Transactions on Big Data.
- Congratulations to Zhengyu, Han and Yi! Their paper "New YARN Non-Exclusive Resource Management Scheme Through Opportunistic Idle Resource Assignment" has been been accepted to the IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing.
- Congratulations to Zhengyu! His paper "Intermediate Data Caching Optimization for Multi-Stage and Parallel Big Data Frameworks" has been been accepted to the 2018 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing.
- Congratulations to Janki! Their paper "BloomStream: Data Temperature Identification for Flash Based Memory Storage Using Bloom Filters" has been been accepted to the 2018 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing.
- Congratulations to Janki and Zhengyu! Their paper "FIOS: Feature Based I/O Stream Identification for Improving Endurance of Multi-Stream SSDs" has been been accepted to the 2018 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing, and was granted the Best Paper Award!
- Congratulations to Zhengyu and Janki! Their paper "AutoAdmin: Admission Control in YARN Clusters Based on Dynamic Resource Reservation" has been accepted to the Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience, Special Issue on Advances in Emerging Wireless Communications and Networking.
- Congratulations to Zhengyu and Janki! Their paper "EAD: Elasticity Aware Deduplication Manager for Datacenters with Multi-tier Storage Systems" has been accepted to the Cluster Computing.
- Congratulations to Janki and Zhengyu! Their paper "Docker Container Scheduler for I/O Intensive Applications running on NVMe SSDs" has been accepted to the IEEE Transactions on Multi-Scale Computing Systems.